不要犹豫,点击播放我们的《内江》【本地】蜂窝活性炭 碳酸氢钠源头厂家来图定制产品视频,让每一帧画面都为您揭示产品的独特之处,带给您前所未有的惊喜。
以下是:《内江》【本地】蜂窝活性炭 碳酸氢钠源头厂家来图定制的图文介绍

中航豫泓是一家专业生产销售蜂窝炭、蜂窝活性炭的厂家。主要产品有:蜂窝炭、蜂窝活性炭、防水型蜂窝活性炭、耐水型蜂窝活性炭、蜂窝活性炭块、圆柱形蜂窝活性炭、蜂窝形状活性炭等。公司一贯坚持“质量 ,用户至上,优质服务,守合同”的宗旨,凭借着高质量的产品,良好的誉,优质的服务,产品畅销全国近三十多个省、市、自治区以及远销日本、美国等 。竭诚与国内外商家双赢合作,共同发展,共创辉煌!
AVIC Henan Hong is a professional production and sales of honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon factory. The main products are: honeycomb carbon, honeycomb activated carbon, waterproof honeycomb activated carbon, water resistant honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb activated carbon block, cylindrical honeycomb activated carbon, honeycomb shaped activated carbon, etc.. The company has always adhere to the "quality first, customer first, quality service, abide by the contract," the purpose, with a high-quality products, good reputation, high quality service, the best-selling products in more than and 30 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions and exported to Japan, the United States and other countries. Wholeheartedly with the domestic and foreign merchants win-win cooperation, common development, create brilliant!

一.苯吸附:25%(动态测试); >35%(静态测试)
九.正抗压强度:气相型蜂窝活性炭::>0.8Pa; 液相型蜂窝活性炭:>1.2Pa;
Product technical parameters:
Benzene adsorption: 25% (dynamic test); >35% (static test)
Two. Hole number: 100.150.200 hole / square inch;
Three. Wall thickness: 0.5mm;
Four. Specification: 100x100x100 (mm); 100x100x50 (mm); 50x50x100 (mm)
Five. Bulk density: (380-450) kg/m3;
Six. Air resistance of air tower: 490Pa (wind speed 0.8m/s; bed thickness 60cm);
Seven. Desorption temperature: <120 degrees;
Eight. Service life: >4 years (no pollution; no sealing hole);
Nine. Positive compressive strength: gas phase honeycomb activated carbon:: >0.8Pa; liquid phase honeycomb activated carbon: >1.2Pa;
Ten. Other specifications (such as the number of holes, wall thickness, size, etc.): can be customized according to customer requirements
Eleven. Honeycomb activated carbon 100*100*100mm is a cube of 1000, 1 boxes of =18 block, a cubic =56 box (18 pieces of the pack) in

普邦环保材料有限公司作为一家集研发、生产和销售于一体的企业,在 内江消泡剂、行业近10年以来不管是在 内江消泡剂、的生产,还是技术应用上都积累了丰富的经验。 内江消泡剂、质量优异,售后服务周到,深受广大用户好评。

根据活性炭的外形,通常分为粉状和粒状两大类。粒状活性炭又有圆柱形、球形、空心圆柱形和空心球形以及不规则形状的破碎炭等。随着现代工业和科学技术的发展,出现了许多活性炭新品种,如炭分子筛、球炭、活性炭纳米管、活性炭纤维等。 [5]
活性炭是由石墨晶、单一平面网状碳和无定形碳三部分组成,其中石墨晶是构成活性炭的主体部分。活性炭的晶结构不同于石墨的晶结构,其晶结构的层间距在0.34~0.35nm之间,间隙大。即使温度高达2000 ℃以上也难以转化为石墨,这种晶结构称为非石墨晶,绝大部分活性炭属于非石墨结构。石墨型结构的晶排列较有规则,可经处理后转化为石墨。非石墨状晶结构使活性炭具有发达的孔隙结构,其孔隙结构可由孔径分布表征。活性炭的孔径分布范围很宽,从小于1nm到数千nm。有学者提出将活性炭的孔径分为三类:孔径小于2nm为孔,孔径在2~50nm为中孔,孔径大于50nm为大孔。